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Who Was The First Computer Programmer ?

The First Computer Programmer ?

Ada Lovelace is considered as the first programmer, who worked with Sir Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine ( First Generation general purpose mechanical computer partly built by English inventor Charles Babbage). When the Government of Britain refused any further investment on the Differential machine (A mechanical machine which could compute mathematical tables), in 1834 Mr. Babbage moved on to constructing this Analytical Engine.

Ada met Mr. Babbage (Cambridge Mathematics Professor) and Babbage was very impressed with her Knowledge of Mathematics. They corresponded for years during the development of Analytical Machine.

Mr. Babbage gave a lecture on this machine in the University of Turin which was transcribed in French. Ada was commissioned to translate the transcript to english. Lecture was delivered in 1842 and in 1843 her transcript was published.

Ada suggested the input which had to be provided to the machine to generate calculate Bernoulli number. This is considered as the first program.


Who Was The First Computer Programmer ? Who Was The First Computer Programmer ? Reviewed by Shaishav Anand on July 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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